Dividend Reinvestment does not calculate properly in Quicken 2012

Legacy KB ID: 4338


The new dividend reinvestment transaction in Quicken 2012 does not calculate properly.  I am expecting 20 shares for my dividend payment, but Quicken calculates only 2 shares and places the remainder in the Cash Carried Fwd field.  That field now has an amount greater than the share price. 


This problem has been reported on some dividend reinvestment transactions – where the price per share is less than or equal to 1/1,000th of the total dividend amount. 


Workaround 1:  Enter the incorrect dividend reinvestment transaction and update no of shares

1.    Enter the dividend reinvestment through Reinvest – Income Reinvested transaction.  Accept the incorrect calculation.

2.    Manually calculate the correct number of shares and the amount to be carried forward

3.    Edit the Bought transaction in the Brokerage registry:

a.    Change the number of shares

b.    Choose to change Total Amount

c.    Click Enter to complete the transaction.


Workaround 2:  Accept the dividend as cash and buy the shares for the reinvestment

1.    Accept the dividend through Record an Income Event transaction;

2.    Buy the shares through Buy – Shares Bought from the Cash Balance of your Brokerage Account;

3.    The left-over amount will be the balance in the Cash Account in your Brokerage Account.


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