ABA file rejected - LineXX Account Number to be DR/CR contains all zeros or all blanks.

Legacy KB ID: 4288


Why is my ABA file rejected by the bank with the above message?


LineXX is the line in which the error occurs when viewed in Excel.  Each line refers to an employee and the details of his deposit.  The message is indicating that the amount being paid to the employee is either 0.00 or blank.  This is not acceptable as the amount must be a number greater than 0.00. 

You must investigate the circumstances why the employee is getting a 0.00 or blank result. 


Detailed Instructions

Recreate the ABA file.  Open it in Excel and check the amount field in LineXX. 


If you have an employee with multiple bank accounts, but was receiving a pay to just one account on this occasion.

If you changed the ABA file after it was created so that one bank account received all the pay and the others nothing, then the ABA will rejected because of the blank or 0.00 field. 

You must change the bank details for the employee before running the pay. 

Delete this pay for the employee, change the bank details and run the pay for that employee again.  Then create the ABA file. 


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