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Common ATO STP Errors

Applies to Australia only

Common submission errors

Below are the common ATO errors for single touch payroll submissions.

Message Code

Error Message



Postcode is required for an Australian address

When address is within Australia, the Postcode must be supplied.


Country code must be blank or set to Australia

When the address is overseas, the Postcode must be null.


Either ABN or WPN must be present

Either the Payer Australian Business Number or the Payer Withholding Payer Number must be provided.


Invalid WPN

The Payer Withholding Payer Number(WPN) has failed the WPN algorithm check.


For an Australian address, the state or territory must be provided

When the address is in Australia or blank, the State / Territory must be supplied.


TFN must be a valid TFN

The Tax File Number (TFN) has failed the algorithm check.


ABN is invalid.

The Australian Business Number (ABN) has failed the ABN algorithm check.


ABN is invalid.

The Contractor Australian Business Number (ABN) has failed the algorithm check.


State and postcode must not be present for non-Australian addresses

When the address is overseas, the State / Territory must be null.


Email Address contains invalid text

If provided, must be a valid format.


Email Address contains invalid text

The payee contact email address must be a valid email.


An unexpected error has occurred, try again. If problem persists, contact the ATO. Error code {Code}



Lodgment Failed. Contact the ATO. Error code {Code}



State/Territory must be provided

When the address is within Australia or set to blank, the State / Territory must be provided.


A valid postcode must be provided

The Postcode must be in the range of '0200-9999'.


Payee Record Count must be equal to the number of children (PAYEVNTEMP)

Payee Record Count must be equal to the number of children (PAYEVNTEMP).


At least one PAYEVNTEMP child must be provided

At least one PAYEVNTEMP child must be provided.


The date entered for Payer Declaration Date must not be later than today's date

The Payer Declaration Date cannot be later than today.


Payer Declaration Acceptance Indicator must be 'TRUE'

Payer Declaration Acceptance Indicator must be 'TRUE'.


Registered Agent Number is invalid

The Registered Agent Number has failed the TAN algorithm check.


The date entered for Pay/Update Date must not be later than today's date

The Pay/Update Date cannot be later than today.


The Run Date/Time Stamp cannot be later than the time message received in the channel

The Run Date/Time Stamp cannot be later than the time message received in the channel.


The Full File Replacement Indicator must be set to false

Full File Replacement Indicator must be set to false.


The Payer Period Totals tuple must not be provided

Payer Period Totals must not be provided.


The Payer Period Totals tuple must be provided

Payer Period Totals must be provided.


The Pay/Update Date must be on/after the 1st July 2017

The Pay/Update Date must be on/after the 1st July 2017.


Intermediary ABN is invalid.

The Australian Business Number (ABN) has failed the ABN algorithm check.


Intermediary ABN is invalid

The Australian Business Number (ABN) has failed the ABN algorithm check.


The date entered for Intermediary Declaration Date must not be later than today's date

The Intermediary Declaration Date cannot be later than today.


Intermediary Declaration Acceptance Indicator must be 'TRUE'

Intermediary Declaration Acceptance Indicator must be 'TRUE'.


Cannot process submission

We were unable to process your submission because we located multiple files to be replaced


The previous submission has already been replaced

We were unable to process your submission because the file you wanted to replace has already been replaced


Cannot find the previous submission that should be replaced

We were unable to process your submission because we could not locate the submission that you have requested to be replaced


Submission to be replaced does not match the provided branch or BMS ID provided

We were unable to process your submission because your submission had an incorrect BMS ID. Please check you have used the correct identifier for the submission.


Provided branch code is incorrect

We were unable to process your submission because the branch code you provided is incorrect


Your submission was not processed

We were unable to process your submission because you have not reported using Single Touch Payroll for that financial year


Your submission was not processed

We were unable to process your submission because the submission you are attempting to update is more than 5 years old and cannot be processed


A record with the same submission ID already exists

We were unable to process your submission because we already have a submission with this submission ID


Other Allowance Type must be entered when Allowance Type of "Other" is selected

Other Allowance Type must be entered when Allowance Type "Other" selected


A valid postcode must be supplied

The Postcode must be in the range of '0200-9999'.


This field must be left blank

When the address is overseas, the Postcode must be blank.


Invalid date

Period Start Date cannot be after Period End Date.


Invalid date

Payee Declaration Date cannot be any day in the future.


This field must be left blank

When the address is overseas, the State / Territory must be blank.


Date of birth cannot be a future date

Payee date of birth cannot be a future date.


You must provide either an ABN or a TFN

Either the Payee TFN or Contractor ABN must be supplied


Duplicate deduction types

There cannot be more than one of the same Deduction Type in the collection.


Date of birth is invalid

When Payee Day of Birth, Payee Month of Birth and Payee Year of Birth are supplied, it must be a valid date.


Payee TFN must be supplied

Payee TFN must be supplied if at least one of the following amounts is provided in the Allowance Item or Deduction Item or Wage and Taxation Item excluding those in the Voluntary Agreement Payment Summary or if Reportable Employer Super contribution (RESC) is provided when Voluntary Agreement Payment Summary amounts are not provided or if Onboarding information is provided.


Contractor ABN must be supplied

Contractor ABN must be supplied if either Payee Voluntary Agreement Gross Payment or Payee Total Voluntary Agreement PAYGW Amount is greater than zero.


Duplicate ETP codes and Payee ETP Payment Dates

There cannot be any occurrence with the same combination of ETP Code and Payee ETP Payment Date.


The Period End Date must be the same as the Period Start Date

Period End Date must equal the Period Start Date.


The Onboarding tuple must not be present

Onboarding information must not be provided.


Payee TFN must be supplied

Payee TFN must be supplied if at least one of the following amounts is provided in the Allowance Item or Deduction Item or Wage and Taxation Item excluding those in the Voluntary Agreement Payment Summary or if Reportable Employer Super contribution (RESC) is provided when Voluntary Agreement Payment Summary amounts are not provided.


Employment Details must be provided

When Payee Declaration Acceptance Indicator is True, then Basis of Payment Code, Payee Residency Status, Tax Free Threshold Claimed, Study and Training Loan Repayment Indicator, Student Financial Supplement Scheme Loan Indicator, and Payee Declaration Date must be provided


The Period Start Date must be within the same financial year as the Pay/Update Date

Both the Period Start Date and the Pay/Update Date must be within the same financial year.


ETP payment date must be in the same financial year as the Pay/Update Date

Both ETP Payment Date as well as Pay/Update Date must be in the same financial year.


ETP payment date must be in the same financial year as the Pay/Update Date  

Both ETP Payment Date as well as Pay/Update Date must be in the same financial year.


Either a Super Liability Amount or OTE Amount must be supplied

Either a Super Liability Amount or OTE Amount must be supplied.


Either a Super Liability Amount or OTE Amount must be supplied

Either a Super Liability Amount or OTE Amount must be supplied.

For a complete guide to common ATO error, check this site

General errors | Australian Taxation Office (

Submitting as a tax practitioner

If you are a tax practitioner or agent submitting on behalf of a business and receive an error not listed here, please refer to the specific practitioner error codes listed on the ATO site.

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