Backing Up and Restoring Data Files.

Legacy KB ID: 151


How do I backup and restore data files in Reckon Accounts?


Backing Up Company Data

Reckon Accounts Backup compresses your company data into a compact file that has the same filename as your company with the extension QBB, rather than QBW.

  1. From the File menu, choose Back Up.
  2. You will see the current company file in the File Name field.
  3. In the Drives field, make sure that the proper drive is selected for the back up. For example: if you are backing up to the A drive and the Drives field says C:, click the drop-down list arrow and select A:.

If you are backing up to a floppy disk, insert a disk into the drive.

NOTE: If you are backing up to a floppy disk and the backup file won't fit on one disk, Reckon Accounts will prompt you when it's time to put in another disk.

  1. Click OK.
  2. If you are backing up to a disk that already contains a file with the same name, the message

"Are you sure you want to delete the already existing file (drive, directory, filename.qbb)" will appear.

Your options are Yes or No.

If you choose Yes, Reckon Accounts will overwrite the existing backup file.

If you choose No, Reckon Accounts will return you to the File Name field of the Backup Company to.... screen where you can enter a different file name.

Restoring Company Data

You will want to restore your data if your working data is damaged, your hard disk has malfunctioned, you need to put the data on another computer, or you want your data to revert to an earlier date.

  1. From the File menu, choose Restore.
  2. If you are restoring from a floppy disk, put the disk in the correct drive. If your backup fills more than one disk, insert the first disk in the disk drive.
  3. In the Drives field, make sure that the correct drive is specified. If you are restoring from a floppy disk it will usually be A:. You can select the drive from the drop-down list.
  4. In the File Name list, click the backup file name. You will see the filename appear in the File Name field. It will have the extension QBB.
  5. Click OK.
  6. You will now go to the Name Restored File window.

The Name field is the same name as the backup file but with the extension QBW.

This will become the filename of your company file. You can change this if you wish.

  1. In the Drives field, make sure the proper drive is selected. From the drop-down list, select the proper drive to restore your file to. NOTE: The hard drive is usually C: or D:.
  2. Make sure that the proper directory is displayed under Directories.

NOTE: Reckon Accounts is usually in the Intuit\Reckon Accounts directory.

  1. Click OK. Your company will now be restored.
  2. If the filename already exists in the same directory on your hard disk, you will receive the message "This file already exists. Replace existing file?"

- If you click No, you will be returned to the Name Restored File window where you can enter a different file name ending with the extension .QBW.

- If you click Yes, a message appears, "Delete Entire File.

Caution! You are about to permanently delete this data file. Are you sure?" To delete the file on your hard disk and replace it with the file from the floppy disk, you must type the word "yes" then click OK.

- If you click Cancel or if you click OK without typing the word "yes", Reckon Accounts will return you to the Name Restored File window where you can enter a different filename ending with the extension .QBW.

This will restore the data from the backup without deleting the company file on your hard drive.

  1. Reckon Accounts will restore the data and open the restored company file.

For information on recommended backup routines refer to the Reckon Accounts User Guide

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