Categories assigned for GST not included in BAS and Tax Reports in ReckonAccounts

Legacy KB ID: 4766


I have marked my ReckonAccounts Personal (formerly Quicken) categories to use GST tax codes, so why are some transactions not included in the BAS report?



For a transaction to be included in the BAS report, it must be entered through the Split window.

When a transaction contains only one entry, users often enter the details on the bank register only.  Even though the GST code will be attached to the transaction, it is not included in any tax reports. 

If the Register Preference Auto-open splits window for tax transactions is ticked, a split window will open when you click on Enter, but clicking OK to this window will not register the tax component. 



1.    Set Register Preference to open split window for tax transactions:

a.    Edit > Preferences > Program > Register;

b.    Under Data Entry, tick the box Auto-open splits window for tax transactions.

2.    Refresh existing transactions:

a.    Highlight the transaction in the bank register;

b.    Click on Split;

c.    Check the transaction and click on Adjust and then OK.


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