Reckon Accounts: Payslips do not conform to Printing Preferences

Legacy KB ID: 4097


Why don’t my payslips print according to the preferences I have selected in Edit, Preferences?


The printing preferences selected in the Preferences section of Reckon Accounts (Edit > Preferences > Payroll & Employees > Company Preferences > Printing Preferences) relate only to the Reckon Standard payslips of 1, 2 or 3 per page. 

Custom Payslip templates must be individually modified.

To modify a custom payslip template:

  1. Lists > Templates
  2. Right click your custom payslip and select Edit;
  3. Click on Additional Customisation.  Select a tab and tick relevant items to appear on your payslip;
  4. Click on Layout Designer to configure the positioning of elements on the payslip and its general appearance.
  5. Click OK to save and close.

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