Reports from RA Hosted print as blank pages

Legacy KB ID: 4535


Why are my reports from RA Hosted printing as blank pages?


You will experience this issue if printing of Reckon Accounts reports are set to a paper size other than A4.



  1. Go to File > Printer Setup > Settings.
  2. In Form Name, select your report.
  3. In printer name, select your printer.
  4. Click on Options.
  5. The dialog box you see will vary between printers and so the exact steps may be different.
    1. Select the Paper/Output tab.
    2. In the paper section, set A4 as the paper size.
    3. Click OK to save settings.
  6. Repeat the steps above for all report types you will be printing. 
Your reports should now print to your local printer. 

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