Customer name not showing in transaction history list.

Legacy KB ID: 3429


In POS Terminal why is the customer name column blank in the 'Transaction History' list?


This is due to the 'Company Name' not being entered in Reckon Accounts when the customer was created. POS Terminal reads the 'Company Name' from Reckon Accounts as the 'Customer Name' in the Transaction History screen.

To fix this the user will need to enter a 'Company Name' to the customer in Reckon Accounts.

This can be done as follows;

1) Go to the 'Lists' drop down menu and select 'Customer:Job List'.

2) Right click on the customer that needs editing and select 'Edit'.

3) Click in the 'Company Name' field and enter the customers Company Name.

4) Click OK to save these changes.

The next time the POS database is updated from QuickBooks the updated details will transfer to QuickPOS.

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