Upgrading to Reckon Accounts Hosted 2022

The intention of this document is to guide you through upgrading your Reckon Accounts company file from 2021 to 2022 on your Hosted account.

Before beginning this upgrade process, we strongly suggest that you read and familiarise yourself with the content below and the Accounts business range Installation and Upgrade Guide by clicking here.

Reckon Accounts Hosted 2022 Release 1 contains changes for 2022-23 Financial Year. Payroll processing after April 1st, 2022 for New Zealand Payroll is no longer supported.
For NZ Users, a new Payroll integration with PaySauce will replace payroll functionality in Reckon Accounts from the 2022/23 financial year onwards.

The Reckon Accounts Hosted 2022 Release includes the following:

  • NZ Payroll is no longer supported
    • In-Product messaging added
    • Blocked the ability to process pays in FY 2022/23
  • Remittance Advice retains the last used template
  • Links functionality added to Sales Orders, Estimates, Transfers, and Deposits
  • Send Forms window added with 'Remove All' button

For further details on the new features, click here

If you have already upgraded your company file to Accounts 2022 using the desktop version, please ignore the instructions below and use the Launch Accounts 2022 icon.


  1. Go to Reckon Accounts Hosted login page. Enter your Username and Password then click on the Login button.
  1. To prep your data file for upgrade, Click on the Launch Accounts 2021 button.

Why does the button launch the incorrect version of Hosted?

  1. Open your company file. Print a copy and/or check financial reports such as your Trial Balance, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports;
  2. Create a backup of your Accounts Hosted 2021 company file(s) by going to FileSave Copy or Backup. Save your backup file (.QBB) on to Reckon Accounts Hosted - My Backup (B:) drive.

Choose the option to take a “Portable Backup” if you intend to download the backup to your local hard drive. A portable backup is smaller in size than the standard backup and is more practical for downloading local hard drive backups. Portable Backup may take a longer time to create & restore than the standard backup.
  1. Click on the File menu then select Exit from Accounts 2021 after you have backed up your company file and wait for the browser tab to close.
    It is essential to perform the proper File > Exit function whenever you want to exit from Reckon Account Hosted.
    Please wait until the browser tab is closed automatically after performing a File Exit, the Hosted session is terminated successfully as a result. This will prevent later connection issues.

    We do not recommend users to close the web browser, browser tab or close the Account Hosted application by clicking the Close button (X) on the top right of the window while the Hosted session is still active. This may cause issues when you try to launch a different Hosted version later.
  2. Return to the Reckon Accounts Hosted dashboard page. If you have logged off from the webpage, return to Reckon Accounts Hosted login page. Enter your Username and Password then click on the Login button. 
  3. Click on the Launch Accounts 2022 button when you login and open your company file;

Why does the button launch the incorrect version of Hosted?

You must log in as the Reckon Accounts Administrator to upgrade your company file.
  1. Reckon Accounts will ask you whether you would like to update your file to the new version. Type ‘YES’ and click OK
  1. Reckon Accounts will prompt you to create a Backup before the upgrade progress. Click OK to create the backup.
If you are not prompted to update your file to the new version upon starting Reckon Accounts, click File menu → Open Or Restore Company and select Open company file (.QBW) option and click Next. Choose the company file you wish to update then click Open.

If you choose to restore the backup you created in the previous release, please ensure that you entered the exact file name in the File name field on the Restore To window. A message will appear asking if you wish to replace the company file. Click Yes to continue the upgrade process.

Overwriting the file means deleting it completely from the server. Please make sure that you are overwriting an old file, otherwise, return to the earlier step and choose, File menu → Open or Restore option and choose to select the “Open company file” option rather than Restoring a backup.

If the message below is shown, change the name of the company file then click Save

The upgrade time will depend on the size of your Reckon Accounts data file.  It is important that you do NOT exit or cancel out of Reckon Accounts during this time.
  1. Reckon Accounts will then prompt you to take a backup of your company file. Click Finish and Reckon Accounts will automatically backup your file to Reckon Accounts Hosted Backup drive - My Backup (B:) drive.

Click OK to save the backup onto the B drive.

  1. Reckon Accounts will now prompt you to Update Company. Click Yes
  1. Check financial reports such as your Trial Balance, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports against the reports generated in Accounts 2021 as per step 3
  2. Congratulations! Your Reckon Accounts file has been successfully updated.
  3. If you have multiple Company Files, repeat this process with each of them.

Need more help?

Ask the Reckon Community at: https://community.reckon.com/categories/accountshosted

Or Log a Support Ticket: https://www.reckon.com/au/support/

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