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Using Beam for SuperStream in Reckon One

This article explains how to process SuperStream with Beam in Reckon One, making all your super contributions in a single electronic transfer called a batch.

Before using Beam

Before you can process SuperStream with Beam, you need to enable Beam first.

Creating a draft batch with Beam

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream.
  2. Select Add and complete all required fields.
    Add SuperStream batch
  3. Select Add SuperStream batch.
  4. The batch status will show as Draft.   

Validating the batch (optional)

You can validate the batch before lodging it, to determine if there are any errors or warnings:

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream
  2. Click on the batch to open it.
  3. Select Batch Options, then Validate batch.
    1. Errors will be displayed in red. You are not able to proceed until these errors have been actioned.
    2. Warnings will be displayed in yellow. These will not stop you from sending the batch.
    3. If there are no errors or warnings, the screen will display the message: SuperStream batch has been validated and is ready for lodgement
      Validate super batch
If you are finding errors relating to the Super fund ABN, you can verify against the Super fund lookup site
For any employee or company ABN errors, you can verify against the ABN lookup site
And if you need to check on your SMSF ESA, check on the Electronic service address site

Lodging the batch with Beam

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream.
  2. Click on the batch to open it.
  3. Select Lodge via Beam.
  4. Select the relevant payment method. Direct Debit will only be available if you entered these details when you enabled Beam.
    1. Direct Debit = Beam will pay the super funds with one payment from the account nominated.
    2. EFT (Direct credit) or BPAY = If you have not registered for Direct Debit in Beam, you can select to use EFT or BPAY whereby you will manually transfer payment to Beam using your online banking platform.
    3. Passthrough = you must pay the super funds directly through their online banking platform.
  5. Select the refund bank account. If there is only one account set up in Reckon One, this will display.
    Lodge SuperStream batch screen
  6. Select Lodge batch via Beam. Beam will validate the batch and update the status to Lodged.
  7. The batch status will now show as Lodged.
  8. A date and time of the last update will be shown. Click Refresh to update.
    SuperStream batch details page

Manually marking a batch as lodged

Manually marking a batch as lodged will not actually lodge the batch with Beam.

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream
  2. Click on a batch to open it.
  3. Select Batch options, then Mark as lodged.
  4. The batch status will now show as Lodged.

Cancelling a lodgement

You are able to cancel the lodgement when the status is at Draft, Lodged, or Awaiting payment:

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream
  2. Click on a batch to open it.
  3. Select Batch options, then Cancel lodgement.
  4. The batch status will show as Cancelled.

Reverting a batch to draft

A batch can be reverted to draft when the status is at Lodged (only when the batch has been manually marked as lodged), Refunded or Cancelled. Reverting to draft allows you to edit the batch.

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream.
  2. Click on the batch to open it.
  3. Select Batch options, then Make draft.
  4. The batch status will now show as Draft.

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