Processing Time In Lieu in Reckon Reckon Payroll

Legacy KB ID: 5433


How do I record Time in Lieu in Reckon Payroll?


Create a Leave Item of an Other type and a Sub- type of Time off in Lieu. Does not accrue time and as lieu hours are acquired, edit the Leave Summary section of the Employee on the pay run for the In Lieu hours acquired and used. 


Detailed Instructions

Create a Leave item for Time off in Lieu in the Payroll Settings

Settings > Payroll Items >Create Pay item (at the top left> select Leave

  1. Leave Type : Other;
  2. Leave sub-type: Time off in Lieu
  3. Leave item name: Time in Lieu or TIL (any name of your choice)
  4. Enter a description (optional)
  5. Account: Payroll Expenses
  6. Accrual period: Per Pay
  7. Annual Entitlement: Blank
  8. Maximum accumulation: Blank

Click show other preferences

  1. Tick Pay on Termination
  2. Tick Show balance in Payslips
  3. Click Create button


Add this Time in Lieu Leave item into the Employee Record

  1. Employee> click on your Employee > Leave tab
  2. Under the Leave summary> click on Add leave entitlement
  3. On the dropdown list, select Time in Lieu
  4. Annual entitlement: 0.0 (don't leave it blank
  5. Accrual rate 0.0 (Don't leave it blank)
  6. Save & Close

The Employee will now have a Time in Lieu item available in the pay run.


How to record Time in Lieu

Time in Lieu has to be added manually in Show leave Summary for every pay.

  1. Click on the employee to open pay details.
  2. Under Earnings and Leave >Click on Show Leave Summary
  3. In the Accumulated this pay field under Time in Lieu, enter the number of hours in Lieu.

  1. Click on Done and complete this employee pay for this run.

 You can also update the Time in Lieu leave balance in Employee Leave Settings.

How to take Time in Lieu

Time in Lieu need to be added as an item in a payrun

  1. Click the employee pay details. Click add earning and leave item
  2. Select Time in lieu item from the drop-down list.
  3. Rate :0.0
  4. Quantity: the number of Time in Lieu taken

  1. Click View and Edit Leave Balances and check if the leave appeared on Taken this pay
  2. Click on Done.
  3. Process the Payrun as normal.


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