-6123, 0: Connection to the Accounts Business company file has been lost

Legacy KB ID: 280


When opening or while using an Accounts Business (formerly QuickBooks) company file over a network or from local computer, the following error appears:



Stop Hosting multi-user access.


The Issue

This error can occur if:

1.    A network connection with the host computer is disrupted.

2.    Firewall settings prevent Accounts Business files from accessing the necessary ports

3.    Multiple instances of QuickBooks database service are running. 

4.    Accounts Business data or program files are damaged.

5.    A corruption in the company file



File > Utility > Stop Hosting Multi User Access

This mostly fixes it.


If the error still occurs, then continue.

1.    Restart (reboot) the computer. This closes any programs that might be in conflict, reloads the operating system, and re-establishes network connections.

2.    If yours is a single-user installation of Accounts Business -  stop multi-user hosting if it is turned on.


If the error still occurs, ensure no errors exist in the file:

1.    Rebuid the Company File – File > Utilities > Rebuild

2.    File > Utilities > Verify

3.    Follow up on any errors

4.    Create a Portable Company File and Restore it. 


If the error still occurs, select the option below that best fits your situation.

For example, if you recently installed or updated firewall or anti-virus software, you could start by checking the firewall settings. If you are not sure where to begin, step through each solution in order until the issue resolves.


Verify the network connection with the host computer

1.    If you have a hard-wired network, check the network connections and cables on both the host computer and the client computer trying to access the company file to make sure they are secure.


2.    Verify that other programs or resources located on the host computer are accessible. If not, restarting the host computer and then the workstation computer(s) may resolve the issue.


Note: If restarting the computers consistently resolves the issue, you might have an ongoing connection problem on the network. Because of the complexity and variety of both wired and wireless computer networks, Intuit cannot provide support for your network configuration. Please consult with your system or network administrator (if you have one), the vendor who set up the network, or a local computer consultant to troubleshoot connectivity issues in your computer and network environment.



Check firewall settings

Ref to KB 220 on setup firewall instructions


 Check for standby or hibernation mode on the host computer


If the computer hosting the company file is in standby or hibernation mode, it can disrupt Accounts Business' connection with the file.

Check the host computer. If it is in standby or hibernation mode, you may want to disable or reconfigure those settings to prevent the connection with your company file from being disrupted in the future. Double-click Power Options in Windows Control Panel to modify the standby and hibernation settings. Consult your computer's user manual or Windows help system for details and information.


Fix damaged network data files (*.nd)

A network data file (.nd file extension) is a configuration file that allows access to a Accounts Business company file in a network environment.

On the computer that is hosting the Accounts Business company file:

1.    Right-click the Windows Start button (or the Logo button in Windows Vista) and select Explore.

2.    Browse to the folder that contains the company file.

3.    Right-click the file that has the same name as your company file and the file extension .nd (for example, MyCompanyFile.nd) and select Rename.

4.    Change the file extension to .ndold (for example, MyCompanyFile.ndold) and press Enter.

5.    Open Accounts Business and open the company file. Accounts Business will create a new network data file for the company file.


Toggle hosting off and on at the host computer

On the computer that is hosting the Accounts Business company file:

1.    Open Accounts Business and open the company file.

2.    Click File >Switch to Single User Mode.

3.    Click File >Utilities > Stop Hosting Multi-user access.

4.    Click File >Utilities > Host Multi-user access.

5.    Click File >Switch to Multi-User Mode.

Note: If you are unable to toggle hosting off and on, restart the computer in Safe mode with networking and try again.


Stop and restart the QuickBooks database service

On the computer that is hosting the QuickBooks company file, stop the database server process:

1.    Right-click a blank space on the Windows Taskbar and select Task Manager.

2.    Click the Processes tab.

3.    Click the Image Name column heading to sort the entries alphabetically.

4.    Right-click qbdbmgrn.exe and select End Process. 

5.    Repeat step 4 to stop all instances of qbdbmgrn.exe if it appears on the list more than once.

6.    Close Task Manager.

Next, open the Computer Management window. 

·         Windows 8: WindowsKey+X > Computer Management

·         Windows 7:  Start button > right-click Computer > Manage

·         Windows XP: Right-click My Computer icon > Manage

(You might be required to enter your administrator password)

Restart the database server process:

1.    click the + symbol next to Services and Applications to expand the section.

2.    Select Services

a.    click the Name column heading to sort the entries alphabetically

b.    Right-click the appropriate service for your Accounts Business version and select Start:

                                                                                           Accounts Business 2021: QuickBooksDB30

c.    Close the Computer Management window.


Set the correct folder permissions on the host computer

The folder on the host computer containing the Accounts Business company file must allow full control to all users, including the QuickBooks Data Server Manager user (QBDataServiceUserXX).


Repair the Accounts Business installation

These steps will repair damaged Accounts Business program files:

1.    Close any open programs.

2.    Insert your Accounts Business DVD or CD in the DVD/CD drive. If the Accounts Business installation window opens, close it.

3.    Click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel.

4.    Open the Add or Remove Programs window.

a.    Windows 8:  Windows Key+X > Control Panel > Programs and Features

b.    Windows 7: Under Programs, click Uninstall a program.

c.    Windows XP: Double-click Add or Remove Programs.

5.    In the list of currently installed programs:

a.    Windows 8: Right-click the Accounts Business program you want to repair and select Change > Repair.

b.    Windows 7: Right-click the Accounts Business program you want to repair and select Repair.

c.    Windows XP: Select the Accounts Business version you want to repair and select Repair.



Need more help?

Ask the Reckon Community at: https://community.reckon.com/categories/reckonaccounts

Or Log a Support Ticket: https://www.reckon.com/au/support/


How did we do?

Errors H101, H202, H303, H505, -6177,0, -6123,0, -6000, -77, -80, -83 on network environment

Reckon Accounts Desktop: Cannot open an Accounts Business company file on a network – Error 0xc0000022

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