If you report Tax on a cash basis you cannot record a negative line item that has a different tax code than the other line items on the invoice.

Legacy KB ID: 3303


When Posting from Pos to QuickBooks I get the following error message: If you report Tax on a cash basis you cannot record a negative line item that has a different tax code than the other line items on the invoice. Use a credit memo for the negative line item. Then apply the credit memo to this invoice when you receive payment.


This will only happen when you are using Cash Based accounting method and the round amount is a negative amount. (The amount will be positive in the posting file, which represents a negative amount) 1. To rectify this problem and successfully post the file to QuickBooks either change the accounting in QuickBooks to Accrual or 2. Open the posting file and remove the rounding line in the applicable transaction and add the amount to the total transaction eg if Total=7.00 and rounding amount was 0.01, remove the rounding line and change the Total to 7.01.

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