Incorrect dates for reconciliations reports.

Legacy KB ID: 1414


When going to do a reconciliation the 'AS OF' date is showing incorrectly. This is due to a incorrect date entered in a previous reconciliation.


To solve this there are two options:

1) Restore a backup prior to the mistake and continue from there.

2) Create a new account and merge it with the existing account (See steps below).

How do I merge an account?

1) Rename the bank account with a '1' on the end and create a new bank account with the original name and a zero opening balance.

2) Go back and remove the '1' from the old bank account name so that it matches the new one. Save this and accept the prompt to merge.

Note: Reconciliation history for all previous reconciles in the modified accounts will be lost.

Since the 2010/11 edition, merging of bank accounts will retain the bank reconciliation.

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