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Lodging data to ATO as an advisor in Reckon One

This article explains how to lodge pay run or YTD data to the ATO as a tax agent or advisor in Reckon One.

The tax agent or advisor must be set up in Reckon One before they can lodge any data on your behalf.

Submitting pay run data as agent or advisor

  1. Go to Payroll, then Pay runs.
  2. For a pay run with a status of Paid, select the 3 dots (ellipsis) and select Submit to ATO.
  3. Alternatively, select the pay run by clicking on the relevant Pay date, then from the pay run details screen, select Submit to ATO.
  4. The Submit to ATO drawer is displayed and the default declaration is to Submit as agent.
  5. The Name of user authorising tax agent submission and the Registered tax agent’s name defaults to the name held in the Single touch payroll screen under Settings. Check that the your name is in the Registered tax agent’s name, and if not, override.
The date will default to today's date when submitting within the current financial year. If in a prior year it will default to the 30th June.
  1. Tick the declaration.
  2. Select Submit to ATO.
Submit to ATO drawer showing Submit as agent fields.
  1. The status will update to Done and a modal window will display advising that the pay run has been submitted. You can follow up on the status of your submission in the STP screen under Compliance.
These instructions also apply when you have the checkbox Send as an update selected.

Submitting YTD data outside of a pay run, as agent or advisor

  1. Go to Payroll, then STP.
  2. Select Create update event.
  3. The Create update event drawer is displayed and the default declaration is to Submit as agent.
  4. The Name of user authorising tax agent submission and the Registered tax agent’s name defaults to the name held in Payroll settings > Single touch payroll. Check that the your name is in the Registered tax agent’s name, and if not, override.
    The date will default to today's date when submitting within the current financial year. If in a prior year it will default to the 30th June.
  5. Tick the declaration
  6. Select Submit to ATO.
  7. A modal window will display advising that the update event has been submitted, with a pending status. When the modal window is closed the update event will be displayed as the Latest submission.

Submitting EOFY data as agent or advisor

  1. Go to Payroll, then EOFY.
  2. Select the relevant financial year and select Create YYYY-YY report
  3. Select the relevant employees and select Create report.
  4. A preview of the report is displayed with the option to Print.
  5. Select Continue to declaration
  6. Select Submit to ATO.
  7. A modal window will display advising that the EOFY report has been submitted, with a pending status. When the modal window is closed the update event will be displayed as the Latest submission.

Submitting as business owner

Although you may have your tax agent details set up, there may be times where you, as the business owner, need to submit your pay run data to the ATO.

  1. Go to Payroll, then Pay runs.
  2. For a pay run with a status of Paid, select the 3 dots (ellipsis) and select Submit to ATO or select the pay run by clicking on the relevant Pay date, then from the pay run details screen, select Submit to ATO.
  3. In the Submit to ATO drawer, select Submit as business. The declaration will change to be relevant to the business owner.
  4. Enter your name in the Name field and tick the declaration.
  5. Select Submit to ATO.
Submit to ATO drawer showing fields when Submit as business is selected.
  1. The status will update to Done and a modal window will display advising that the pay run has been submitted.

Following up on the status of your submission

You can follow up on the status of your submission by going to Payroll, then STP.

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