Discount price on mixed products on a promotion does not calculate properly in POS 2014.

Legacy KB ID: 5134


Why can’t POS 2014 calculate the promotional price when two different items on the same promotion are purchased together?  There was no problem in the previous version (2013).


Set up quantity based promotions for each combination of items. 


The issue

When different items with the same original price are sold in the same promotion, the discount price may not calculate properly in POS 2014 because items of the same price do not count towards the quantity required for the discount.  In previous versions (2013), items with the same original price did count towards the required quantity for the promotional discount. 

For instance, you have a promotion for a particular wine range that has a number of varieties – like chardonnay, riesling, merlot, shiraz.  Buy any two and get them for $10.00 instead of the single bottle price of $5.99. 

When you purchase two different varieties, because the items are different, POS 2014 cannot calculate the promotional price.  There is no problem when 2 of the same variety is purchased.



Create promotions for each combination of sales and select the last option:

“Combination of one of every item is purchased”.

Promotion 1:  any two for $10.00

Promotion 2:  1 chardonnay and 1 riesling for $10.00

Promotion 3:  1 chardonnay and 1 merlot for $10.00


Promotion XX: 1 riesling and 1 merlot for $10.00

Promotion YY:  1 merlot and 1 shiraz for $10.00




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