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Employment Information (EI)


Once you've prepared your company file and processed your Payroll, you also need to upload your Employment Information (EI) to Inland Revenue (IR) for all employees paid in that pay run via My business section in your MyIR account.


Export Employment Information (EI) 

  • Complete your pay run in Reckon Accounts
  • Export New/Departed employees if there was any new or terminated employees in this pay run. Click here to learn how to export this file
  • Go to Employees > Process Payday Filing > File Employment Information (EI)
  • Choose the Payrun > tick the employees > Export > choose a location where you want to export the information to


EI file location:

  • Reckon Accounts Desktop: Reckon Accounts root directory (for example: C:\ProgramData\Reckon\ReckonAccounts[year]\[product]\[company_file_name]\Export Files\EmploymentInformation\).
  • Reckon Accounts Hosted: The EI file is saved under the Q: drive. 

However, you can choose your preferred location that you might want to use to instead of the default location.

The file is a csv type file and the name will look like EI-20190307150529.csv 
= Employee Information (IRD Naming convention) - 20190307150529 = timestamp (7th of March, 2019 at 3:05:29pm in this example)


E-file Checker

You can open the EI file in E-File Checker to validate the file as well as change Child support code (if it applies to any of your employees).


Reckon Accounts Hosted

  • Go to Employees menu from the menu bar
  • Click on NZ E-File Checker
  • Once opened, go to File > Open > Browse to where you saved your EI file to view the contents


Reckon Accounts Desktop

  • Install E-File Checker from your installation folder.
  • You can find it from C:\Temp (if you used the default extract to location during installing Reckon Accounts)\Reckon_Accounts_20##\Tools\EMS Checker\Setup.exe)
  • Once installed, you can find it from your Start menu
  • Open E-File Checker, go to File > Open > Browse to where you saved your EI file to view the contents


Lodging Employment Information (EI) data

Once you've completed the above steps, you will have to upload this exported file to your MyIR Portal. Click here to read the instructions from IRD.


Reckon Accounts Hosted

  1. Once you have exported your EI file and saved it to Q drive, a new window will pop-up on your screen which will redirect you to myIR Portal. If you get a Security Alert prompt, click OK.
  2. Login with your myIR user ID and Password
  3. Navigate to the relevant section to lodge your Employment Information data. Click here to read the instructions from IRD
  4. When prompted to Upload the EI file, browse to your Q drive and choose the EI file that you exported in the previous section


Reckon Accounts Desktop

1. Once you have exported our the EI file and saved it to your computer, open up a web browser (example: Chrome/Firefox/Internet Explorer etc.)

2. Browse to MY IR Portal

3. Login with your myIR user ID and Password

4. Navigate to the relevant section to lodge your Employment Information data. Click here to read the instructions from IRD

5. When prompted to Upload the EI file, browse to your Q drive and choose the EI file that you exported in the previous section


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Preparing your Company File - Reckon Accounts Payroll

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