How to Remove Bulk Forms to be Emailed in Reckon Accounts


When I'm in the "Select Forms to Send" window, there are a lot of emails waiting to be sent. Is there a way to remove them in bulk without sending them?


1. Go to Edit > Preferences > General. Ensure the tick box 'Pressing Enter moves between fields' is unticked. If it's ticked, please untick it and click OK. If it's unticked already simply click cancel.

2. Go to File > Send Forms.

3. Click 'Select None' (this is done just in case you accidentally email these forms)

4. Highlight one email and click 'Remove'. This will make the 'Remove' button become highlighted blue. Once this is done keep your finger held down on the 'Enter' key on your keyboard and this will continuously keep accepting the messages that come up on the screen to remove the emails. This may take a couple of minutes to delete all the emails in there but this is the quickest way to go about it.

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