SAFF file does not contain all Employee contributions

Legacy KB ID: 5419


Why does a SAFF file not include all the employees who received a Super Contribution?


Allow the SAFF file to be fully created before moving it.


The Issue

Hosted users are more likely to experience this issue.

It does take a little time to create the SAFF file and there is no indication when it has completed.  You can move the file off Hosted to your local PC even when the process has not fully finished.  Consequently your downloaded SAFF file will contain only that information written at the time you moved it.



Wait until the SAFF writing process has completed before moving or uploading the SAFF file.

While the file is being written your mouse pointer will change from its default style to an hour glass.  Wait until the hour glass reverts to your default mouse pointer style. 


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SuperStream file upload to OZEDI is rejected from Reckon Accounts Hosted

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