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Reckon One: Processing SuperStream payments

This article explains how to process SuperStream to pay superannuation contributions to super funds. This is done in Reckon One. If you are in Reckon Payroll, you'll need to switch to Reckon One by selecting SuperStream under the Compliance menu, to complete the task.

You can process SuperStream in 2 ways:

  • Use a SuperStream service to send all your superannuation contributions in a single electronic transfer called a batch.
  • Create a SAFF file and upload to your own choice of clearing house

Using a SuperStream service

You will need to enable a SuperStream service first.

 To use a SuperStream service:

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream.
    The SuperStream overview can be filtered for All, Draft or Lodged to be displayed by clicking on the relevant tab, and can be customised using the Show/hide columns filter. Select the spanner cog to select what columns to be displayed (or not) on the screen. 
  1. From the SuperStream overview, click on Add. Complete all required fields and click on Add SuperStream batch

This will create a SuperStream batch payment in a Draft status.  

  1. Click on the batch to open it. You can expand an employee to view the super details by clicking on the arrow beside the employee name.
  2. Once confirmed all details are correct, select Lodge via Beam or Lodge via Ozedi, dependant upon the selected SuperStream service.
  3. Once selected, the superannuation payments will be sent to the nominated gateway provider based on your selection within the SuperStream services settings. When No SuperStream service is set, the following message will be displayed.



If Beam has been selected in Payroll Settings, you will see a confirmation message, click on Lodge to Beam to continue. 

The selections will be dependant upon what you had entered as part of the Beam registration.

Ozedi Direct

If Ozedi Direct has been selected in Payroll Settings, you will see a confirmation message, click on Lodge to Ozedi to continue. 

If there are any errors or missing information they will be displayed for you on this screen. Once rectified you can continue and it will go to Ozedi. 

Creating and uploading a SAFF file

A SAFF file can be created which contains the superannuation contributions to be paid.

A batch is to be created

  1. Click on the batch to open the the details
  2. Select Batch options and Create SAFF
  3. The SAFF file will be downloaded for you to send to your gateway, fund, or clearing house.

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