Creating a new test file in Reckon Accounts Desktop or Reckon Accounts Hosted

As part of a troubleshooting process, it may be necessary to create a new 'test' data file into which you would import Lists that had been exported from an existing data file or from a 3rd party product that generates an "IIF" file.

To minimise any issues, consider the following:

1) Ensure that you look at the name of the default Tax Agency Supplier in your original source data file

Typically for a data file created in the Australian version of the Reckon Accounts software it would "Australian Taxation Office", or the equivalent as "Inland Revenue Department" in a file created using the New Zealand version of the software.

2) Ensure that you look at the name of the default Tax Account in the Chart of Account in your original source data file

Typically it would be "Tax Payable"

3) If your default tax account or tax agency supplier has a different name, then consider either:

a) Rename the account and supplier in the source file before you export the Lists

a) Rename the account and supplier in the destination file before you import the Lists

To create a new test destination file:

1) Open the Reckon Accounts program

2) Click on the File menu and select New Company

3) Click on the Skip Interview button

4) Enter some Company details

5) Choose "Other / None" for the company organisation type

6) Select the first month of your Financial Year

7) Choose "Other / None" as the industry type

8) Continue with creating the company and select a folder location where the QBW file will be stored

Once you have a new test destination file, you can import your Lists (IIF) files into it.

An alternative to creating a new data file using the export/import process is to take an existing data file and remove from it only the historical transaction data, retaining the existing lists.

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