Reckon One: Contact Detail types

Contact details are ways to contact a person. They include addresses, phone numbers and electronic addresses. You can add custom contact detail types to your Reckon One book and use them with customers, suppliers, superfunds and contacts.

Contact detail types list

To access contact detail types, go to Settings then click on Contact detail types on the General section.

Contact detail types permissions govern what actions a user have on Contacts details type list.

Adding new contact detail types

There are 3 types of contacts details in Reckon One with the most commonly used types already added to the lists.

  • Addresses: These are types of physical addresses. Example, Work, shipping and billing.
  • Contact numbers: These are different forms of phone numbers. Example, office, mobile and fax.
  • Electronic addresses: Any address or number used for the purpose of sending or receiving documents or information by electronic means. Example, email addresses, Skype and website.

  1. Click Add to add a new type. We will add a new address label in this help article.
  2. A lightbox will appear. Enter a label name and description (optional). Click Save to create the new label.
  3. A contact detail type cannot be used when the status is inactive.

Adding contacts details types to Organisation and Contact

  1. Go to customer, supplier, superfund or contact lists then open a record.
  2. Click the ADDRESS list menu to reveal all available address types. Note that the Head office created appear in the list.
    You can click Add address on the list menu to add a new type without going to Contacts details types list. Same applies to electronic addresses and contact numbers.
  3. Select the Address type you wish to add to the record and the new address fields will added on screen.
  4. Repeat the above steps to add electronic addresses and contacts numbers.

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