Manage Superannuation items

Superannuation items

Reckon payroll has two pre-configured superannuation items, Super guarantee and Salary sacrifice for super, for you to use in your pay runs. To view these superannuation items go to the Settings menu and select Superannuation items.

Pre-configured superannuation items

Super guarantee

The Super guarantee is configured to the statutory rate, currently 10.5%, and the Expense account is set to Payroll Expenses: Superannuation.

Super guarantee

To make changes to the Super guarantee, select Edit followed by the Super item details. This will allow you to update the name, provide a description, change the expense account, and enter a custom amount for monthly super threshold.

Super item details
We recommend that you leave the super guarantee rate basis as Statutory rate and create new superannuation items to use the percentage and fixed amount rate basis options.

Once you have made the necessary changes select Done.

Salary sacrifice for super

The Salary sacrifice for super is configured as a fixed amount gross deduction.

Salary sacrifice for super

To make changes to the Salary sacrifice for super, select Edit followed by the Super item details. This will allow you to update the name, provide a description, set the rate basis, enter a default rate, and set a minimum gross pay amount and deduction limit.

Super item details

Additional super items

Reckon payroll allows for the following superannuation items to be configured:

  • Super guarantee
  • Employer Additional
  • Productivity
  • Collective Agreement
  • Salary Sacrifice
  • Member Voluntary
  • Spouse Deduction

To add one of these go to Settings, select Superannuation items and:

  1. Select the plus sign in the top right corner.
Superannuation items
  1. On the New super item screen select Enter super item details.
  2. Select Superannuation type
Select type
  1. Enter the details and select Done
Super item details

  1. Select Done
  2. The item will appear in the Superannuation items list

Superannuation items

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