Reckon Accounts Desktop: Transaction is not in balance when using an item recently imported through an IIF file

Legacy KB ID: 4183


Why do I get the error:

The transaction is not in balance. Make sure the amounts in the detail area of the form for this transaction equal the amount at the top of the form.

This happens when I use an item recently imported from an Export List created in another company file?


When all other elements of the item setup and invoice are correctly entered, this problem suggests a problem with the Tax Item setup.


To check the Tax Item setup:

  1. Go to Lists.
  2. Select Tax Item List
  3. Find the tax code used on the invoice/bill.
  4. Check that the Tax Return Line has the appropriate entry:
    1. GST / NCG / CAG - Goods and Services Tax.
    2. INP / NCI - Input Taxed.
    3. Wine taxes - Sales Tax.
    4. FRE / NCF / CAF - GST free.
  5. If this box is blank then no tax is being recognised.
  6. Check the entry in the Tax Agency box – it should be the Australian Taxation Office.
  7. Test with a new transaction.

If you are unable to select Goods and Services Tax in the Tax Return Line:

  1. Go to the Supplier Centre.
  2. Change it from "Active Suppliers" to "All Suppliers".
  3. Scroll down to Australian Taxation Office and uncheck the cross to the left. This will make this supplier active.
  4. Attempt the previous steps from Step 4.

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