How to Cash a Cheque in Point of Sale

Legacy KB ID: 3946


When I try to cash a cheque, POS will not process the transaction saying that a product must be selected first.  How do I get around this?



You can only give change to a valid sales transaction. 



In POS Terminal,

1.    Tools > Options > Keyboard Layout >

a.    if using a touch screen

                                          i.    click on Design Touch Keyboard Layout

                                         ii.    Click on the Cheque total button and then select Function in the Button area;

b.    if using the keyboard:

                                          i.    click on Design PC Keyboard Layout

                                         ii.    in the Functions Column, scroll down to Tender Cheque and click on it.

2.    Under Function Options, if Entered amount must be rounded box is ticked, untick it;

3.    Tick the box Allow Cash Change then click on Change Options button;

4.    Click on Asset Account Decrease button and select Cash Register Account;

5.    Click on Asset Account Increase button and select Undeposited Funds;

6.    Click on OK, then OK again.  Then click Apply then OK and OK again to return to your main screen.

7.    Process a transaction:

a.    select a Non-Inventory Part or Service Item with a price of 0.00,

b.    enter the amount of the cheque and click on the Tender Cheque button.  POS Terminal will calculate change for the amount of the cheque. 

8.    If you do not have $0.00 item, use Price Override on a Non-Inventory Part or Service Item:

a.    Click on 0 (zero) on the keypad and click Price Override

b.    Select the Product (Non-Inventory or Service) – price should show as 0.00

c.    Enter the amount of the Cheque (eg $100.00) and click Tender Cheque

d.    Receipt should show Total of 0.00; Cheque 100.00 and Change 100.00.


Additional Information

If cashing cheques is a regular transaction, you should set up a Service Item in QuickBooks called Cashed Cheque with a price of 0.00.  If you want to track various categories – eg: Pension Cheques; Personal Cheques; etc – then setup a separate Service Item for each category.  

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