Reckon Accounts Desktop: Leave Liability Report uses the incorrect Hourly Rate

Legacy KB ID: 4500


Why does the leave Liability Report use the incorrect Hourly Rate for calculating the value of outstanding holiday entitlements? 


You will experience this problem if you have more than one Ordinary Time Earnings payroll item listed in the Employee record. 

The Leave Liability Report will use the first item only.


Set the ordinary Time Earnings payroll item used for calculating leave pay as the first item in the Earnings box of the Employee’s Record:

  1. In the Employee Record go to Payroll and Compensation Info tab;
  2. In the Earnings section, take note of all items and their rates;
  3. Delete all the items.  Enter the payroll item used for calculating leave pay on the first line;
  4. Enter all other Earnings payroll items.
  5. Click OK to close. 
  6. Open the Leave Liability Report  and the correct pay rate will be used for Leave Liability calculations.

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