Preparing Allowances for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - mobile app


Allowances are mapped and reported differently under STP Phase 2. Read the ATO guidelines for more information.

What you need to do

Go to Allowance items and review each of your current allowances and select the equivalent STP Phase 2 allowance types.

STP Phase 2 allowance type

The Allowance type will need to be added to each allowance item individually. To add the Allowance type:

  1. Go to the Settings menu and select Allowance items
  2. Select an Allowance item and then press Edit
    Allowance item
  3. Open the drop down menu under the STP Phase 2 allowance type (optional) menu
    STP Phase 2 allowance type (optional)
    1. If Other is selected for the Allowance type you will also need to select a STP Phase 2 allowance sub-type
      STP Phase 2 allowance sub-type
  4. Select the Allowance type applicable to the allowance item and push Done
  5. Confirm the selection is correct and push Done
  6. Repeat for all active allowances.

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