When Posting transactions, the amount or rate is being ignored


When posting transactions (eg Invoices, Sales Receipts etc), the amount or rate that is set in the QBXML request is being ignored, the rate listed in the item list is being used instead

Further Info

In the Reckon Accounts 2021 R1 release, we released a change to improve the handling of Gross amounts, this change is documented in the Release Notes.

This issue occurs when the payload doesn't include the <IsTaxInclusive> tag or in Reckon Accounts, under Preferences > Tax settings the Sales Figure preference is set to Gross or Allow Tax Inclusive Checkbox is selected

When the above prerequisites are met, the Rate data of an Item that you send in your payload gets ignored and the price of the Item’s record gets used instead.

For example, if the Item’s card contains the price is $10 and in your payload you change the rate to be $20, then $10 as the rate will be used.


There are a few options to resolve or workaround this issue.

At the Customer End
  • In Reckon Accounts, make sure the Sales Figures preference is set to Net and the Allow Tax Inclusive prices setting is unticked.

Making this change will have an effect on how Report data is shown in the Reckon Accounts software and how they enter data in their transactions

Developer Level
  • In each of your payloads, send <IsTaxInclusive> false </IsTaxInclusive> flag.

In Product Fix
  • This issue will be resolved in the 2022 Releases of Reckon Accounts Desktop and Hosted
  • For Reckon Accounts 2021 R2 users, they can download the IsTaxInclusive fix and unzip it into the Reckon Accounts Installation Directory, which by default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 2021

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