Reckon Accounts Desktop: Outstanding Billable Time shows normal price and not the Billing Rate

Legacy KB ID: 5046


Why has the Billing Rate on an outstanding billable time item changed from the specific billing rate to the normal rate?


Reinstall Accounts Business Premier and select either either the Contractor or Professional Services Edition.

The Issue

Billing Rate Level is a feature only available on certain industry editions of Premier and Enterprise: Contractors; Professional Services; Accountant.

If you open the file in an industry edition other than Contractors, Professional Services or Accountant the Billing Rate will not be available and the normal price will be shown.  You will not have access to Billing Rate functions.

Industry Editions are another level of options for Accounts Business Premier and Accounts Business Enterprise.  A company file created in one industry edition can be opened with another industry, however it will only have the functionality of the installed Industry Edition.  The database is not changed so this company file when it is opened in its original Industry Edition will have access to that information. 


Open the company file with a Premier or Enterprise installed with the contractors, Professional Services or Accountants industry edition.

If you have recently reinstalled your Premier or Enterprise and accidentally chosen a different Industry Edition, you will need to uninstall it and re-install it with the correct industry edition. 

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