All Templates corrupt

Legacy KB ID: 5299


All my templates have become corrupt.  How do I reconstruct them?



Import new Default Templates from the installation folder.

Custom Templates can be “Return to Default” and reconfigured.


Detailed Instructions

Return a customised template to default

  1. Close all forms in Accounts Business
  2. Lists > Templates
  3. Right click your custom template and select Customise Columns
  4. Click on the Default button a click OK
  5. Reconfigure your custom template.


Import a default template

  1. Close all forms in Accounts Business
  2. Lists > Templates
  3. Click on Templates and select Import
  4. Navigate to your installation folder:
    1. Default location: C:\program Files (x86)\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 20xx
  5. Double click on the required template
  6. Click on Manage Templates and give the Template a new name
  7. When all templates have been imported, make the original templates inactive:
    1. In Templates, right-click the template and select Make Template Inactive

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