Employee has 2 super funds listed in the Fund Scheme column on the Super Report by Employee

Legacy KB ID: 5231


Why does the Super Report by Employee show two funds associated with some employees?  They have only ever been associated with one super fund.



Refresh the pay showing the other Super Fund.


The Issue

Firstly, the entry may be genuine if at the time of the pay the employee had another superfund assigned.

Otherwise, the issue may be resulting from no super fund being assigned to the employee at the time the pay was run, so the super fund assigned to the super payroll item used was assigned to the employee for this pay run.



Refresh the pays affected. 

  1. Make a fresh backup of your company file
  2. Open the Paycheque Details for the employee
  3. Tick the box Unlock Net Pay
  4. Take note of the Cheque Amount – this must stay the same through the refresh
    1. Also take note of the Super amount
  5. Delete and re-enter the Super payroll item
    Care:  if the super percentages (or fixed amount) have changed since the date of the pay, you will need to manually overwrite the amount.
  6. Check that the Cheque Amount is the same as in Step 3 above.
  7. Click OK to save.

Open the Super Report by Employee and the employee should only show the one Super Fund.

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