Things to consider when your data file is undergoing a data service

Files undergoing analysis:

If you are still able to open your data file, you can choose to continue using it whilst we perform an analysis on the copy of the data file you have sent us.

If necessary we will ask you to send us a more up-to-date copy of the file.

Files undergoing repairs:

If you have approved for the repairs to take place on the most current copy of your data file that you have sent us, we highly recommend that you make no further changes in your copy of the damaged data file.

Any changes you make in the data file will be lost once we return the reconstructed data file back to you.

The reconstructed file will replace the damaged data file that is on your computer.

Files undergoing Admin password removal:

Why am I being prompted to enter a password?

If a data file is prompting for a password to be entered, it means either:

  1. The file has an Admin password setup
  2. The file has more than one username setup and one or more usernames have a password set
  3. The data file is damaged and the part of the file that stores user credentials is unable to be read successfully

What happens if I need the Admin password removed but I am able to login with a different (non-Admin) username and password?

If you are still able to open the data file by logging in as a non-Admin user, we recommend that you stop all work on the data file.

[Reckon Accounts Hosted]

The reconstructed file that has undergone the Admin password removal process will replace the data file on your Hosted Q: drive or shared folder.

You can choose to view information in the data file or make temporary changes, however be prepared to re-do that work in the reconstructed data file that we return to the Hosted platform which will replace the original file that still has an Admin password.

[Reckon Accounts Desktop, Reckon Payroll Premier]

If you are able to login as a non-Admin user on your copy of the data file, any changes you make in the data file will be lost once we return the reconstructed data file back to you.

Any further changes you make in the data file that is still on your computer will not be present in the copy you have sent us.

The reconstructed file that has undergone the Admin password removal process will replace the data file that is on your computer.

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Reckon Accounts Desktop / Reckon Accounts Hosted: Determining the default Admin User

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