Bank Transactions

The Bank transactions page shows all the transactions from a bank data feed or imported via QIF, CSV or TXT file. You can accept Suggested matches, Create or Accept transaction rules or Allocate the transactions manually.

Once actioned, the transaction is no longer available from this screen and will be visible in the Reckon One transactions tab, marked as cleared



Allocate match

The program has found a transaction that already exists in Reckon One that matches the amount and the date (we look 3 days either side of the bank transaction date). Click  to allocate this match to the existing suggested transaction.

If the transaction matches a Rule, you have previously created, click  to create the transaction in Reckon One based on this rule. 



You can of course ignore the matches and allocate a new payment/receipt/transfer to the transaction instead.

Allocate payment

Create a new payment transaction. Only available for Money out transactions.

Allocate receipt

Create a new receipt transaction. Only available for Money in transactions.

Allocate transfer

Create a new transfer transaction. Available for both Money in and Money out transactions.

Create rule

If the transaction is a recurring one, say a property lease or motor vehicle fuel, consider creating a rule to help automate the transaction creation process. 

Ignore for now

Hides the bank transaction until it is either used at a later time (click  to un-hide ignored transactions), or a new manual import is processed.


Manual Upload

Reckon One allows importing electronic bank statements into Reckon One by using the manual upload process.

Log into your financial institution and export the electronic bank statement or bank transactions as a QIF file or CSV file format and save it on the local computer and then upload it into Reckon One.

From the Bank Accounts overview, click on Actions then Upload transactions.



Click on Select file downloaded from Internet banking and click Import the file.



The imported bank entries will appear on the New tab of the selected bank account. 

 A new manual import will overwrite any remaining bank transactions that are yet to be processed.  


Suggested matches

Transaction rules

Allocate transactions



How do I import bank statements using the QIF file format?


How do I import bank statements using the CSV file format?



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Bank Accounts - Reckon One

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