Transaction report on COGS shows some Bills when only Invoices & Sales receipts should show

Legacy KB ID: 5499


Why do I get some small amounts attributed to Bills on a Transaction Report on COGS, when only invoices and Sales Receipts should be shown?


This is a consequence of past actions – the programme is behaving normally.  These amounts show only on this report and do not display elsewhere or form part of the database.



You'll see these sometimes small amounts attributed to a Bill on a report that should only show Tax Invoices and Sales Receipts when you have sold stock you did not have on hand at the time. More specifically, it only happens when you had some stock level that later fell to zero and you kept selling it; if you sell stock you never had you will not see this behaviour in regard to that stock.

This is normal behaviour that's required to correctly handle you selling stock you once had but currently do not have.



No action required.

The database contains correct information.

Other reports are unaffected by this report. 



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