
Certain endpoints in the Reckon One API support pagination. That allows you to determine how many results the API will return to you after each call and if there is data still left to retrieve, a simple link will be provided in the response which can be used by your application to retrieve the responses in simple batches. 


If you do not include a page limit the return is 50 by default. ie.{cashbookid}/accounts will return 50 records maximum.

This is due to the fact the Reckon One API did not have pagination in earlier versions, therefore we did not and could not enforce pagination in the later release.


The endpoints which support pagination are as follows:


  • Accounts
  • Activity Statements
  • Bank Accounts
  • Bills
  • Contacts
  • Credit Notes
  • Estimates
  • Expense Claims
  • Items
  • Journals
  • Payments
  • Projects
  • Receipts
  • Supplier Credit Notes
  • Terms


The endpoints to use pagination are exactly the same as the regular ones, however an additional variable is included in the URL call


For example:

    Will return to you the first 200 accounts of the Reckon One book as well as a link to the next 200, if there is data still to retrieve.


Sample Response:

To keep things easy we have retrieved one transaction in this call by using:{cashbookid}/expenseclaims/1

"Items": [
"CashbookID": "e17417ac-fc79-4d4d-9ee8-1210b3bc326f",
"Id": "0e9a8bac-dd82-4efb-be17-446e81a3ddf3",
"ClaimAmount": 89.7,
"ClaimDate": "2016-08-17T00:00:00+00:00",
"ClaimNumber": "EXP0097",
"ClaimOrder": 40,
"CustomerID": null,
"CustomerName": null,
"EmployeeContactID": "7a900a85-fac7-4f05-bbb4-a16edd8894c0",
"EmployeeName": "Steve Jobs",
"Balance": 0,
"IsSubProject": false,
"ProjectID": null,
"ProjectName": null,
"ProjectPath": null,
"Status": 1,
"Unbilled": 0,
"UserID": null
"NextPageLink": "{bookId}/expenseclaims/1?subscription-key={subscription-key}&$skip=1",
"Count": null

The key difference between the non paginated endpoint is that the results are returned in an array. The array called items, contains the data that with the regular endpoint, is provided as the main response. 

The other key part of this response is the NextPageLink element. This can be used to retrieve out a url to grab the next list of data when you are batch cycling through a large file.

If you have any questions or need help with pagination please email


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