Percentage discount item cause a problem if the form is set to include tax.

Legacy KB ID: 986


Why when I use a discount item as a percentage on a sales form, the tax amount appears ridiculously high?

I have the form set to Amounts including tax.


This is a problem when using discount items (as a Precentage) in gross mode (amt inc tax option ticked), that applies to Invoices, Sales Receipt and Sales Orders you will find that the figure in the amount column  is incorrect and in estimates the program may also crash.

Generate the discount item while having the "Amounts include tax" tick box unticked.

  1. Create the required form i.e Invoice

  2. Enter the sales items as per usuall.

  3. Before entering the discount item, make sure you remove the tick in the box Amt Inc Tax.

  4. Tick the box once again if you prefer and either continue to enter more items or save and close the form.

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