Reckon Accounts Desktop: Problem in reading qbregistration.dat

Legacy KB ID: 3592


Why do I get the message “Error: Reckon Accounts has a problem in reading this registration file: qbregistration.dat” when I try to install QuickBooks? 

I have done a clean uninstall and reinstalled in selective start-up mode and I still get this error. 


This error will occur due to one of the following:

  • A corrupt QuickBooks installation
  • The MSXML DLL files failed to register;
  • The MSXML files are corrupt.

Follow the steps below until your issue has been resolved. 

Detailed Instructions

Step1:  Re-register the MSXML DLL files

Windows 10/11
  1. Click the Windows Start button and select All Programs;
  2. Select Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, choose Run as Administrator;
  3. Type cd \Windows\syswow64 and click Enter;
  4. If the last line shows a drive other than c:\windows, type c: and click Enter.  You should now see c:\Windows as the last line.
  5. Type regsvr32 MSXML3.dll and click Enter. A box with the message "DllRegisterServer in msxml3.dll succeeded" will appear. Click OK.
  6. Type regsvr32 MSXML4.dll, and click Enter. A box with the message "DllRegisterServer in msxml4.dll succeeded" will appear. Click OK.
  7. Click on the red X box to close the Command Prompt
Note: if MSXML 4.dll fails to register you may need to temporarily turn off User Account Control (UAC). Make sure you turn it back on when complete.

Windows 7 & Vista, 32-bit
  1. Click the Windows Start button and select All Programs;
  2. Select Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, choose Run as Administrator;
  3. Type cd \Windows and click Enter;
  4. If the last line shows a drive other than c:\windows, type c: and click Enter.  You should now see c:\Windows as the last line;
  5. Type regsvr32 MSXML3.dll and click Enter. A box with the message "DllRegisterServer in msxml3.dll succeeded" will appear. Click OK;
  6. Type regsvr32 MSXML4.dll, and click Enter. A box with the message "DllRegisterServer in msxml4.dll succeeded" will appear. Click OK.
  7. Click on the red X box to close the Command Prompt. 

Step 2:  Clean uninstall and reinstall Reckon Accounts 

See this article for full instructions.

If you still cannot install QuickBooks, then continue with repairing the MSXML component.

Step 3:  Repair the MSXML component

  1. Click here to download the msxml.msi file (file size: 2.3MB)from Microsoft and choose to save the download file to your desktop.
  2. Once the file has been saved, open the Run window:
    1. Windows 7 & Vista:  Click the Start button. In the Start Search field, type Run
    2. Windows XP:  Click the Start button and choose Run.
  3. In the Open field, type msiexec.exe /fvaum "%userprofile%\Desktop\msxml.msi" and click OK.
  4. When the installation is complete, click OK.
  5. Locate and rename the QBRegistration.dat file (See Path Below) to QBRegistration.dat old:
    1. Windows 10/11:  C:\ProgramData\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks
  6. Follow instructions in Step1 to re-register the dll files.
  7.  Install QuickBooks again. 

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