Reckon Accounts found an error when parsing the provided XML text stream

During the import process from a 3rd party application, you may encounter an error like the one below.

Error getting Response from QuickBooks. Reckon Accounts found an error when parsing the provided XML text stream

Reckon Accounts follows the naming rules used by Windows for its fields.

Certain characters can't be used in the names of files, accounts, items, customers, and more because they're reserved for special Windows functions.

If these characters are used, Reckon Accounts might not recognize the name and could show an error saying the file, account, or item isn't found.

Additionally, when you try to import information, some details may not go through successfully.

These imports may be through the built-in IIF import files or via 3rd party software integrations that make use of the Reckon SDK API.

The Windows Naming Convention reserves the following characters:

<  >  :  “  /  \  |  ?  *

You should also avoid the non-alpha-numeric characters on the first line of a keyboard above the numerals.  That is:

~  !  @  #  $  %  ^  &  (  )  +  =  `


Other characters that may be available using the Character Map or via ASCII key codes could also be detected as invalid characters.

Common usages that may cause problems are:

J & J Citizen (NSW) P/L        use:    J and J Citizen NSW PL, or,

J and J Citizen NSW Pty Ltd

¾” fine bung            use:    0.75in fine bung

Envelope #10           use:    Envelope No 10

95° Fahrenheit use: 95 Degrees Fahrenheit

If you encounter an error, consider what it is that is being imported and the type of text that may be present as that can provide a better clue as to what may be the problem.

For example: Importing Purchase Order transactions from a 3rd party inventory tracking system.

The purchase order transaction may contain names, items, descriptions that could contain a special character such as ° which represents 'degrees' or ¼ indicating one quarter.

These characters may be deemed an invalid text, and presents the import, typically generating the error message above.

In order to resolve it, it would be necessary to remove those invalid characters from the source and then attempting to import once again.

How did we do?

Weekly Hours is set to zero when importing Employee IIF in Reckon Accounts

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