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FAQ's - upgrading to new Reckon Payroll experience

Those with employees in horticulture and shearing can now upgrade

Notice last updated 22 December 2023

If you are a Reckon One customer who uses Schedule 2 - Tax table for individuals employed in the horticultural or shearing industry, you can now upgrade to Reckon Payroll and use the new horticulture and shearer's tax scale.


Q: Why can I not save changes to the Account defaults under Settings > General?

General tab under payroll settings page

If you are attempting to save changes to the Account defaults, and they are not saving, it is because you do not have the required fields completed under Company Details.

The workaround is to go to Settings > Company Details and fill in the required fields -

  • Contact name
  • Contact email
  • Contact phone
  • Contact address
Company details tab under Payroll settings page

Once saved, go back to Settings > General and save the Account default changes.

Q: Why am I getting the error Employee's LeaveStartDate can not be before Hire Date?

Leave entitlements step within employee creation wizard

There is currently a clash in the way the data is saved in Reckon One when the leave date, for an employee is prior to their hire date. When attempting to correct this in Reckon Payroll, the validation will cause an error to be displayed.

The workaround is to go to Reckon One and adjust the leave date or hire date accordingly, ensuring the leave start date is not before the employee's hire date.

Landing pages

Q: I have logged in and entered my MFA, why am I being told that I don't have permission?

No permission page

To be able to log into Reckon Payroll, you must have System administrator access or Payroll administrator access. This is determined by the role assigned to you.

To learn more about permissions, see here

Book switcher

Q: Why am I seeing Complete setup in book switcher?

There are a few scenarios whereby the payroll book needs further information before it can be accessed via Reckon Payroll -

  • A book has been purchased with the payroll module, however the book has not been actioned within the book setup wizard.
  • The book does not have an associated GovConnect tile

When selecting Complete Setup, the user will be taken to the book setup wizard to complete the necessary fields.

Q: Why am I not seeing all my books in the book switcher?

When accessing the Payroll book switcher, only those books that have the Payroll module, will be displayed.

If you are accessing the Reckon One book switcher, you will see all books associated with your login.

Book switcher page


Q: There seems to be differences in the layout when viewing my employee's in a pay run?

There are some slight differences in how we display certain values and data in the pay run in Reckon Payroll, compared to Reckon One.

  1. The different status's for a pay run
Pay run page

There is no need to access GovConnect in Reckon Payroll to send your data to the ATO. Submissions are sent from the pay runs screen, therefore we have include the status Done, referring to the pay run having been summitted to the ATO. In Reckon One, you would see the status as Paid, and then have to go to the Single Touch Payroll screen to check the status.

  1. We display all values in the pay run list in Reckon Payroll, grouping them by the pay item type, and provide a pay run summary for each pay run.
Pay run details page
  1. Superannuation contributions are grouped under the one category, Superannuation, in Reckon Payroll, rather than split under Deductions & Employee super contributions and Company summary, in Reckon Payroll.

Superannuation section within an employee's pay run

Q: Why am I seeing Contact number is required after selecting Complete employee, when I have entered a contact number for this employee?

The ATO require a contact number to be included in the STP2 pay run submissions. We send the employee's mobile number. If this is not populated in Reckon One, you will need to update in Reckon Payroll, under Contact number.

Q: Why can I not enter my username or access Reckon Payroll with SSO?

Currently you need an email address to be able to log into Reckon Payroll

If you login using SSO or with a username that is not an email address, the workaround is to log into Reckon One and access Reckon Payroll via the Check it out link.

This feature will be implemented in a future release.

Q: Why do I have employees displaying as Foreign resident in the STP2 checklist?

If you have an employee that has been saved in Reckon One with only minimal data, such as first name and last name, when upgrading to Reckon Payroll, the validation will warn that you need to complete the employee. This is displayed on their employee profile

Employee profile page

When accessing the STP Phase 2 checklist, you will see the Residency defaults to Foreign resident. This is due to no Tax information entered.

How did we do?

Viewing YTD values in the new experience

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