Error: "You don’t have permission to access Reckon Payroll" message in Reckon One

Learn why you're getting a message that says "You don't have permission to access/view Reckon Payroll" when you try to access a payroll screen in Reckon One, and how to fix it.

Error message showing a drawing of a man with a padlock on his back. Message says: You don't have permissions to view Reckon Payroll. There's nothing for you to see here. You can request permission from your admin or sign in with a different account.

Reasons this may occur

There are 3 reasons this error may occur:

  1. You do not have administrator or payroll administrator access to the associated Reckon One book.
  2. You do not have access to the relevant Reckon GovConnect entity.
  3. There is no branch number in Reckon One.

1. You do not have administrator or payroll administrator access to this book

To fix the error, the administrator (book owner) needs to:

  1. Check that they've shared the book with you.
  2. Check that you are assigned a role of administrator or payroll administrator in Reckon One:

To check your role:

  1. Select the Cogwheel icon in the top right hand corner of the screen, then select Settings from the drop down list, then under General, select Roles.
  2. Click on the role title (either Administrator or Payroll administrator)
Roles settings screen showing Administrator and Payroll administrator roles.
  1. To assign you the role, select the user account from the Select user... drop-down list, and click Add.
Edit role screen, showing Users currently assigned section.
  1. Click Save & close.

2. You do not have access to the relevant Reckon GovConnect entity

Check that the Reckon GovConnect entity owner has shared the entity with you.

3. There is no branch number in Reckon One

To fix the error:

  1. Select the Cogwheel icon in the top right hand corner of the screen, then select Settings from the drop down list, then under General, select Book settings.
  2. Check the Branch number field.
  3. Enter your 3-digit branch number (if you have one). If you don't have one, enter 001.

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