BankData FastCoding: One or more of my Tax Codes isnt appearing


After Syncing to FastCoding, one or more of the Tax Codes doesn't appear in the Tax Drop Down list.


Firstly, Log into Reckon Hosted, and via the Lists > Tax Code list, ensure that both the missing Tax Codes are marked as Active.

Check that they are linked to the correct Tax Items (for either Sales or Purchases depending on the specific tax code), and then via Lists > Tax Item list, make sure the linked Tax Items are Active and set correctly.

In Fast Coding, click the Sync Icon to sync the lists across and check whether the Tax Codes are now available

If you perform the above steps and Tax Codes are still missing from Fast Coding, the issue can be resolved by following the below steps. We have found this issue can occur, particularly in data files that were created in earlier versions of Reckon Accounts (eg QuickBooks v7.4 - v8.1).


  1. Create a Backup of your QBW.
  2. In Hosted, Create a new Blank QBW file via File > New Company
  3. Once the file is created, go to File > Utilities > Export > IIF Files and select Items and Tax Codes
  4. Open your QBW File
  5. Go to File > Utilities > Import> IIF Files, import he IIF you saved in Step 3
  6. Once import has completed, in FastCoding click the Sync Icon. Once the lists have completed syncing you should see all the default tax codes (GST, NCG etc) in the Tax Code list

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