Reckon accounts Personal installation Switcher is not finding old Snapshots, or asking to register.

Legacy KB ID: 5603


I have always used the Switcher since Quicken Switcher 2008. I am now using the current version, and the snapshot I have taken using the previous Switcher is not on my 'Available Environments' window list. I had taken a new snapshot for the missing ones. But when I launch Reckon Accounts Personal using the newly created snapshot, it is asking me to register or activate the software again sometimes also not remembering the last file I open. Why is this happening?


Since we introduced the Reckon Accounts switcher, previously known as Quicken Switcher, the default installation folder for it has changed. Every time a snapshot is taken using the Reckon Switcher, it creates the folder 'Envs' inside the installation folder, where it records all the changes done in each snapshot such as activation, registration and the information on the last file used.

Reckon Switcher looks for the 'Envs' folder to correctly launch the Reckon Accounts Personal/Quicken located in the switcher default installation folder.

When a user uninstalls their previous switcher, to install a new one, snapshot environments remains in its original 'Envs' folder so that the new version can pick up the existing snapshots information. However, due to a change of Reckon Switcher version installation folder, existing snapshot won't be on the list of 'Available Environments' window of the new switcher, as it is unable to locate the registry information contained in 'Envs' folder. Therefore it will trigger the activation window to open if another snapshot of previous RAP/Quicken is taken and launched using the new switcher.

Who is affected?

Reckon installation Switcher users upgrading from 2012 and prior version.

Reckon installation Switcher user upgrading from 2016 version.

User upgrading from 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2018 will not have this issue as it uses the same installation and 'Envs' folder.

Below is the list of default folder for Reckon Switcher Installation snapshot environment.

  • Reckon Switcher 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\ Reckon Installation Switcher\Envs - (64 bit OS)
    • C:\Program Files\ Reckon Installation Switcher\Envs - (32 bit OS)
  • Reckon Switcher 2016 (For user's who is using Switcher 2016 see the last page)
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Reckon Limited\Reckon Installation Switcher\Envs - (64 bit OS)
    • C:\Program Files\Reckon Limited\Reckon Installation Switcher\Envs - (32 bit OS)
  • Quicken Switcher 2012 and earlier version
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Quicken Installation Switcher\Envs - (64 bit OS)
    • C:\Program Files\Quicken Installation Switcher\Envs - (32 bit OS)

Below scenarios are likely to occur depending on what version of the Reckon Switcher the user installed and re-recreates their existing RAP snapshot.

Snapshot created from Quicken Switcher 2012 and below will not show in Reckon Switcher 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 'Available Environments' window list.

Snapshot created from Reckon Switcher 2015 and below will not show in Reckon Switcher 2016 'Available Environments' window list.

  • Snapshot created from Reckon Switcher 2013, 2015, 2017 will show in Reckon Switcher 2018 'Available Environments' window list with no issues.
  • When the user re-creates snapshots of Quicken 2012 or below using the switcher 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, it will invoke activation or registration when launched.
  • When the user re-creates snapshots of Reckon Accounts 2015 or below using the switcher 2016, it will invoke activation or registration when launched.
  • When the user re-creates snapshots of Quicken 2012 or below and RAP 2016 using the switcher 2017 and 2018, it will invoke activation or registration when launched.
Solution 1:
The user can install their new switcher version using the same default folder location of their older switcher. This way the new switcher can use the old snapshot Environments.

Quicken/Reckon Switcher Default Installation folder:
  • Reckon Switcher 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\ Reckon Installation Switcher\ - (64 bit OS)
    • C:\Program Files\ Reckon Installation Switcher\ - (32 bit OS)
  • Reckon Switcher 2016 default folder Installation.
    • C:\Program Files (x86)Reckon Limited\Reckon Installation Switcher\ - (64 bit OS)
    • C:\Program Files\Reckon Limited\Reckon Installation Switcher\ - (32 bit OS)
  • Quicken Switcher 2012 and earlier version
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Quicken Installation Switcher\ - (64 bit OS)
    • C:\Program Files\Quicken Installation Switcher\ - (32 bit OS)
Detailed Steps:
  1. Install the version of switcher you have.
  2. During the installation, the window 'Select Installation Folder.' will open, click browse and choose the Switcher older default installation folder. (see above switcher version installation folder)
  3. Complete the installation, open the switcher and your older snapshot will show in the Available Environments window list, and RAP will launch without any issues.
  4. Add another snapshot of your new RAP version.
Solution 2:

Install the new version of the switcher, use the default folder and copy and paste the older Snapshot Environments inside the new version of Reckon Switcher installation folder.

Detailed Steps:

  1. Install the new Reckon Switcher without changing default path.
  2. Open the switcher and do not create any snapshot of your existing snapshot the Available Environments window list will be empty. Close the switcher.
  3. Open the location of your existing Snapshot Environments. (see folder location above depending on what version of switcher you have used)
  4. Copy the folder named 'Envs' then paste it inside the new Switcher installation folder.
  5. Open your new switcher; your existing snapshot will now show on the 'Available Environments' window list. Launch any of previous snapshots, and it should open fine without the activation window.

    • If the activation window opened, activate and register RAP again. Close RAP and click the 'Update snapshot'. Launch RAP again, and it will work without issue.
NOTE: If you have already created a new snapshot of RAP, before following the steps above; then the new switcher would have the folder 'Envs'. If this is the case, open the older 'Envs' and just copy the Reckon/Quicken snapshot Environments you have (ex: ReckonAccounts 20XX or Quicken 20XX (where XX is the software year version)) and paste it in the new Switcher 'Envs' folder.
6. Open your new Reckon Switcher version, and your existing snapshot will now show on the 'Available Environments' window list. Launch any of previous snapshots, and it should open fine without the activation window.
  • If the activation window opened, activate and register RAP again. Close RAP and click the 'Update snapshot'. Launch RAP again, and it will work without issue

For user's who:
  • Are still using the Switcher 2016, had installed and taken a snapshot using the earlier version of RAP/Quicken Switcher. (follow the steps below)
  • Installed Switcher 2016, had installed and taken a snapshot using Quicken Switcher 2012 or an earlier version. (Follow the steps in Solution 1 or follow the steps below then proceed with Solution 2 (Start with Step1 through step 5))
  • Installed the Switcher 2016, had installed and taken a snapshot using Reckon Switcher 2013 and or 2015. (Please follow the SOLUTION 1)
Reckon Switcher 2016 default folder Installation.
  • C:\Program Files (x86)Reckon Limited\Reckon Installation Switcher\ - (64 bit OS)
  • C:\Program FilesReckon Limited\Reckon Installation Switcher\ - (32 bit OS)
Detailed Steps:
  1. Close the switcher 2016 if it's open.
  2. Uninstall the switcher 2016
  3. Before installing the switcher go to the folder location below:
    • C:\Program Files (x86) - (64 bit OS)
    • C:\Program Files- (32 bit OS)
  4. Create a new folder rename it 'Reckon Installation Switcher'.
  5. Install the Switcher 2016, and when the window 'Select Installation Folder' opens. Click the 'Browse' button and choose the folder you have just created.
  6. Complete the whole installation and follow SOLUTION 2 (start from Step1 to Step 5).
  7. The user can now install Switcher 2017 or 2018 and their existing snapshots will show on the 'Available Environments' window list and will work with no issues.

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