Selected key has no function error when using a Barcode scanner in POS on a MAC computer

Legacy KB ID: 5543


When using the Barcode Scanner on a new installation of POS why do I get the error:

Selected key has no function

The key you have pressed does not have a function allocated to it.

Press the Clear key to continue

I am using a supported barcode scanner with the installation on Windows via Parallels on a Mac.


The barcode scanner output is treated like keyboard input, so the issue is likely related to some keyboard setup or keyboard related issue.

Try the following:

1.      Open Notepad and scan a barcode.  Is the result

a.      Line1:  ~1234567890

b.      Line2:  <blinking cursor>

If it is not, then reconfigure your Barcode scanner to produce this result.  Refer to your scanner’s guide. See here for Senor scanner.

2.      Check that Shift Lock isn’t on.

3.      In POS Terminal Options, set the POS keyboard selection to none and PC keyboard selection to the default. If this fixes the problem then investigate the keys of the setup that was being used.

4.      Make sure the barcode scanner setting in POS Terminal Options is correct and not disabled (ie. close and restart POS Terminal)


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