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Employee working in horticulture and shearers is incorrectly assigned as voluntary agreement


I get the below error when I submit STP:

Contractor ABN must be supplied if an Income Stream Collection tuple with a type code Voluntary Agreement contains a Gross Payment or PAYGW Amount that is greater than zero.


An employee working in the horticulture and shearers industry was set up in Reckon One using the voluntary/flat rate tax scale to submit their pay run using STP1.

After switching to STP Phase 2, the submissions are returning an error because STP Phase 2 requires that employees on the voluntary/flat rate tax scale have an ABN.


This solution applies if the employee works in the Horticulture and Shearers industry.

You can now select a new tax scale for horticulture or shearing workers in Reckon One, to successfully submit to the ATO:

  1. Go to Payroll, then Employees.
  2. Click on the employee and select the Tax tab in their profile.
  3. Select Edit and change the tax scale to Horticulture or Shearing worker.
Edit tax details drawer, with Horticultural or Shearing worker tax scale being selected in the Tax scale field.
  1. Select the relevant Income type and select Done.
  2. Go to the pay run the employee has been paid in and select Options > Revert to draft.
    You will need to perform this step for each pay run that the employee has been included in since switching to STP Phase 2.
  3. Select Mark as paid.
  4. Click Continue to declaration and submit the pay run to the ATO.

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