Developer's Guide for updating API v2 to API v4


This article will show the process of migrating Reckon Accounts Hosted (RAH) API v2 to API v4.

The API v4 includes the following enhancements:

  • Better consistency in error reporting
  • Stop QBXML errors from being returned in the JSON response object “Message” field
  • Better handling of Supported Versions data
  • Reduce/remove the associated performance issues of Reckon integrated apps
  • Better handling of rogue API calls or repeated calls resulting in fatal RequestProcessor errors

API Developer Checklist

Your environment will have two (2) Environment variables pointing to API v2 and API v4 URLs.

There is no change to the GET Heartbeat request.
Please note that the Subscription Key would need to be included on all API calls.


  1. Update the existing URL Environment variable to API v4 URL
  2. Add a new Environment variable for API v2 URL
  3. Update the Request URL for the Endpoints below to use the API v2:
    1. Get Supported Versions
    2. List Company Files




API v2

  • GET Supported Versions
  • GET List of Company Files

API v4

  • POST Submit request
  • GET Request ID

Status Codes

HTTP Codes

View the List of Status Codes and comparison between API v2 and API v4 here.

Sample Postman Collections and Environment

View the Sample Postman Collections and Environment that calls the Endpoints and triggers HTTP Status Codes:

To download the files below, right-click on the name and select the Save link as...

Detailed Steps

Update the existing URL Environment variable to use API v4

This will simplify the update by just using the existing URL Environment the existing Collections already uses. There would be no other additional updates needed.

  • In Postman, select Environments
  • Find the URL variable and update it to use the API v4:

Add a new Environment variable for API v2 URL

There are only two Endpoints that require the API v2 URL. This simplifies the update by just creating the API v2 URL variable and then updating those two GET Endpoints.

  • Create a new variable and named it accordingly i.e. url_v2
  • Use the previous URL from API v2:

Update the Request URL for the Endpoints below to use the API v2
  • In Postman, go to Collections
  • Update the Request URL for:




GET Supported Versions



GET List Company Files



How did we do?

Status Codes for API v4

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