Salary Sacrifice is transferred to Reckon Account together with Gross Wages

Legacy KB ID: 2401


When pay is transferred to QuickBooks which includes an amount of Salary Sacrifice, the Salary Sacrifice amount is included in the Gross Wages figure. This figure is then transferred to the W1 field on the BAS. Therefore the amount of Gross Wages is overstated and may lead to an increase in PAYG payable.


To overcome this problem, it is necessary to add a journal entry to QuickBooks reflects the amount of Super being allocated to Salary Sacrifice;

Create a Journal entry, setting the date to the same date as when the pay was run. Allocate the first line of the Journal to the Gross Wages expense account and set the enter the figure to CREDIT the account for the amount of Salary Sacrifice. Allocate the second line to the Superannuation expense account and use the same amount to DEBIT the expense account.

Ensure the name has been entered on both lines of the journal under the Name column

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