Reckon Accounts Personal Range: NZ Share Prices incorrect after the One-Step Update

Legacy KB ID: 5488


Why do my NZ share prices incorrect? 

The latest price on the Overview screen does not match yesterday’s close published by the NZ Stock Exchange


NZ share prices are a day behind Australian share prices.

The Issue

Recently the NZ Stock Exchange changed the time its share price service updates.

Previously, the day’s share prices were updated around 5pm Sydney time (around 7pm New Zealand time). 

Now, the share price update service is updated at 5am the next day Sydney time (7am NZ time).

Reckon’s One-Step Update service updates share prices for Australia and NZ at 8pm Sydney time. NZ share prices have not yet been updated so are not included in the update. The share prices from the previous day are available and incorporated in the update. 

Consequently, the latest price shown for NZ shares on the Overview screen after a One-Step Update is not the share prices from the previous day’s trading but from the day before. 

There are no workarounds to the current situation. 

Reckon has scheduled a review of update times to its One-Step Update and in due course NZ share prices will be captured as soon as they are published. 

You can enter the latest share price manually:

  1. On the Overview screen, right-click on your share and select Price History.
  2. Click on New.
  3. Enter the required Date.
  4. Enter the details required – you can enter the same price for Price, High and Low.
  5. Click OK to save and close.
    Manual entries will be overwritten by the next One-Step Update.


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