BAS Prefill - Reckon Accounts


At the top of the Lodge Single Touch Payroll window, you will notice two fields Total Gross and Total PAYG.


As part of single Touch Payroll, the Total Gross and Total PAYG amounts for all employees exported in the Pay event is included in the Lodgment, this data will be used by the ATO to Prefill the W1 & W2 fields when you lodge the BAS using the SBR2 service*.

As you select a Pay Event in the pay run drop down the Total Gross & Total PAYG fields will display the Total Gross and PAYG for all employees paid in that pay run.


The Total Gross figure is made up Payroll items linked to all Tax Tracking types excluding: 

  • Lump Sum D
  • Deductions (Union Fees, etc.)
  • Workplace Giving
  • Reportable Fringe Benefits
  • Reportable Fringe Benefits (Tax Exempt)


*Reckon are currently developing a new lodgment tool that will transmit the BAS via SBR2 to replace the current GovConnect in Reckon Hosted.

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