Verify and Rebuild - Rebuilding a data file in Accounts Business

Legacy KB ID: 336


How do I Verify and Rebuild a data file in Accounts Business (previously QuickBooks)?


The Verify Data utility detects many types of data damage. The utility looks at the data and then logs any errors it finds in the Qbwin.log file. Each time you verify, rebuild, condense, or update your data, any integrity issues found are added to the end of the file, making them easy to locate.

When to perform the Verify process

There are several situations that indicate damage in the company data file. Perform the Verify process to check for damage under the following conditions:

  • You receive errors such as Invalid Protection Faults or Fatal Errors when operating Accounts Business.
  • Discrepancies appear on reports, such as invoices or bills that post with a negative value. Do not forget to check for the correct dates and report basis (cash versus accrual) when troubleshooting report discrepancies.
  • Payments that have been deposited show up in the Payments to Deposit window.
  • Balance sheet reports are not showing all accounts.
  • Names are missing from lists.
  • Transactions are missing.
  • Duplicate names.
  • You want to run a data check-up to be sure the data is error free.

For more detailed steps and procedures:


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