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Reckon Accounts Hosted: Migration Assistant: Welcome/Resume Page

Welcome Page

The Welcome page is the opening page for the Reckon Accounts STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant when the Launch STP Phase 2 Setup is selected from the STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant option on the Employees menu.


  • The window appears as an external window from Reckon Accounts.
  • The window size can be adjusted.
  • The window can be moved and dragged.


  1. Help icon – navigates to STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant
  2. Exit button – closes the Reckon Accounts STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant window
  3. Begin button – moves to the next page: Prepare Employees – Employment Details
    The Begin button is transformed to Next after clicking on it.

Resume Page

This is an added functionality for the Welcome page, where users can continue their session with the data they have previously changed if they stopped at any point.

When the Resume function is used, it will redirect the user to the last page they were working on when Exit button was selected, loading all the data from the previous session.


A User started the Migration Assistant and has stopped in Page 4 after updating the Tax Tracking Types for a few Allowance Payroll Items.

When the User then clicked on Close or Exit on Page 4, it will display a prompt:

  1. Yes – save any updates and close the Migration Assistant
  2. No – do not save any updates and close the Migration Assistant
  3. Cancel – the action is cancelled and returns to the Migration Assistant window. Clicking 'X' on the dialogue also cancels the action.

When the User clicks Yes, it will save the changes, then closes the Migration Assistant window.

Launching the Migration Wizard again, it will open the Resume page. And when the User clicks on Resume, it will do the following:

  1. Redirect to Page 4
  2. All previously updated changes will be loaded
  3. The User may resume their session

Adding or updating records in your Company File

When a new/modified Employee or Payroll Item is added/updated/deleted in the Company File, the changes will not be present in the Migration Assistant when using the Resume function.

The data used by the Migration Assistant are static and will not reflect any subsequent changes made in your Reckon Accounts Company File unless the migration process is restarted by selecting Begin.

  • It is recommended to finish the migration process of the current lists of Employees and Payroll Items
  • Click Complete STP Phase 2 Setup from the STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant in the Employees menu
  • Then, re-launch the STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant and select Begin to view and work with the latest Reckon Accounts data

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Migration Assistant: Prepare Employee Details

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